Empowering employment support with AI

Webinar | ERSA and Saffron Interactive 

In the quest to drive down inactivity and achieve 80% employment, we need a diverse, modern, and agile approach that meets local demands and encompasses work, skills, and health.

As we strive to meet the needs of participants, programmes, and commissioners, can digital enablers offer higher value support, better outcomes, and increased efficiency?

Saffron Interactive, the developer of the innovative Create Your Own Future platform, invites you to discover how digital innovation can transform your approach to employment support. This session will explore how AI can:

  • Provide an enriched experience and better outcomes for supported individuals
  • Increase efficiencies by reducing administrative burden and supporting advisors
  • Reduce costs whilst maintaining a quality service  
  • Deliver unparalleled data analysis and insight
  • Pioneer the future of employment support, today.

Grab your copy of the slides and catch-up on demand for your opportunity to learn how AI can create a brighter future for our participants.

Want to explore the difference digital technology could make to your employability and ESG programmes?