AI enabled coaching solutions

Personalised, scalable and intelligent

Imagine being able to offer a personalised coaching experience to every single person in your workforce. Your employees would be able to continuously assess and develop their own skills. They would be directed to learning and resources already available in your organisation, at the point of need. Each would have tailored and personalised support 24/7 without having to book an external coach. Line managers would have real-time data on performance improvement and skills development. You would have a workforce constantly updating their skills and building a continuous learning culture.

Say hello to AIDA

Democratising coaching

With over 70% of coachees reporting improved work performance, why is coaching still reserved for only the leadership track?

AIDA works harmoniously alongside your existing infrastructure, using voice, video and text recognition as well as sentiment analysis at an advanced level of Artificial Intelligence to shape personalised development journeys and accelerate skills acquisition.

The coaching journey

The user selects their AI enabled video coach and uses voice, text or video to “speak” with their chosen guide.  

Their chosen coach then guides the user through an assessment of their soft and digital skills using the inbuilt Universal Skills Builder and Department for Education’s Essential Digital Skills frameworks. This can be changed to your organisation’s preferred one. The output can then be matched with useful learning resources in your LMS, other content libraries or the resources within the AIDA platform to create an individual development pathway.  

The coach will then guide the user to make an action plan and SMART goals using the TGROW model. Nudges and notifications encourage goal completion and upskilling.

A flexible approach

Incorporating human-like AI, AIDA can work on its own or sit alongside live coaching programmes, allowing 1-to-1 sessions to be more effective. Manager dashboards offer insight into team progress and the platform provides notifications to let them know when to intervene or make direct contact with their team member. This just in time support helps time poor managers effectively manage staff and engenders a supportive learning culture in an organisation.

Results with AIDA

AIDA is a powerful tool in cultivating and restoring confidence and motivation, using empathetic conversations that allow users to understand where they are and identify the action they need to take.

Let's get to work

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