Creating an effective online induction programme

First impressions count, so it’s important that an induction programme is effective. We work with our clients to find out how their current induction programme can be improved. Businesses often have trouble making sure a comprehensive induction to the company is completed in a new starter’s first few days, and once a new starter is no longer new it can be difficult to deliver an effective induction – they may have already made up their mind about the company!

We can see that a move from a face to face induction to an online version benefits our clients in a number of ways:

  • The induction programme is consistent across the company
  • It is cost effective and the financial benefits are measurable
  • The induction can be completed on a new starter’s very first day
  • The learner is able to repeat parts of the course and take as long as they need
  • Legal requirements can be met – for instance, a new starter might only receive their login details once they’ve completed an induction that includes fire safety and emergency evacuation training

As with all e-learning programmes, it is our challenge as instructional designers to make sure an induction is engaging, effective and relevant. An online induction is an exciting opportunity to show new starters where a company came from and where its aspirations are taking it. Although these programmes vary, we find that effective inductions:

  • Are short and concise, effective inductions can take around 30 minutes to complete
  • Orient the learner through the use of videos, images and virtual tours
  • Have a distinct and appropriate tone of voice
  • Include details of a company’s branding, values, culture and ambitions
  • Are visually exciting
  • Contain effective interactions

Induction programmes are a chance to show new starters how a company wants to be perceived and to make their first few days, weeks and months easier, more enjoyable and productive. We find that our instructional designers need to work closely with clients to find out what’s at the core of a business – once this is established an online induction can be created that reflects a company’s values.